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Metal Finishing

​Metal finishing refers to a range of processes designed to enhance the properties and appearance of metal surfaces12345. These processes can include:

Applying a metal coating to the surface of a metallic part.

Cleaning, polishing, or otherwise improving a surface.

Altering the surface by removing imperfections.

Adding a protective layer.

Creating a certain aesthetic.

​East Anglia in the East of England comprises the four counties of Norfolk, Suffolk, Cambridgeshire and Essex and is close to London. It is well-connected with Europe and the rest of the world through London Stansted Airport, the International Gateway to the East of England. There is also Norwich International Airport and London Southend Airport. The region has an excellent rail service with Greater Anglia, including the Stansted Express.

A recent report shows that East Anglia is home to three out of five of the fastest-growing city economies in the UK. Cambridge topped the list, with Ipswich second and Norwich fifth nationally according to The UK Powerhouse study.

The report reveals that Ipswich had the second-highest rate recorded of GVA growth rate (a measure of the value of goods and services produced) in the UK in the first three months of the year (2.5%), while Norwich enjoyed a growth rate of 2.4%.

Looking forward, the report also predicts the three locations will maintain their top 10 positions by the final quarter of 2028.

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