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​Beginning with theIndustrial Revolutionera, aworkshopmay be aroom, rooms orbuildingwhich provides both the area andtools(ormachinery) that may be required for the manufacture or repair ofmanufacturedgoods. Workshops were the only places ofproductionuntil the advent ofindustrializationand the development of largerfactories. In the 20th and 21st century, many Western homes contain a workshop in the garage, basement, or an externalshed. Home workshops typically contain a workbench, hand tools, power tools and other hardware. Along with their practical applications for repair goods or do small manufacturing runs, workshops are used totinkerand makeprototypes.[1][2][3]

Workshops may vary in industrial focus. For instance, some workshops may focus on automotive repair or restoration. Woodworking is one of the most common focuses, but metalworking, electronics work, and many types of electronic prototyping may be done.

​Spalding /ˈspɒldɪŋ / is a market town with a population of 28,722 at the 2011 census, on the River Welland in the South Holland district of Lincolnshire, England. Little London is a hamlet directly south of Spalding on the B1172, whilst Pinchbeck, a village to the north, is part of the built-up area.

The town was well known for the annual Spalding Flower Parade, held from 1959 to 2013. The parade celebrated the region's vast tulip production and the cultural links between the Fens and the landscape and people of South Holland. At one time, it attracted crowds of more than 100,000. Since 2002 the town has held an annual Pumpkin Festival in October.

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